Sunday, May 2, 2010

And They Lived...

You know how a project can sound so good, and you think it will all work out given time, but when you take, play with it, you find everything goes wrong. That was this cake! What a week I've had! It was worth it for these shots, but still, the feelings of panic for three days straight, lack of food and sleep, and then utter joy and relief at the end cause a ruckus in my house!

But it was all worth it for this~

The cake itself was three layers of pain. The bottom (8 inches high) was made of chocolate, while the top two layers were made of white spongecake.
The cake itself was decorated in bight flowers (in red and blue) with larger white flowers around the base and up the towers.

As you can see, the cake was not perfect, but it was beautiful!

I loved the door the best. Originally, there was supposed to be a drapery going up the front which was going to be like a waterfall, but after having my fondant crack over and over, I gave up on it, and decided that stars would be simpler. They are not as classy, but the cake is whimsical, so it fit.

The bride requested minnow cookies to symbolize a baby on the way. Since the sex was not known, I made yellow Minnow cookies with little hearts in the belly. A friend called the baby "Little Minnow," so that caption was added to the back with Wilton Cookie writers.

So, some twenty hours after I started, the cake and cookies are finished. Congratulations to the bride and groom. I hope your the night was magical! And good luck in the future with the family!

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