Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sassy Monkey

The Advanced Placement students at Fort High recently graduated. In addition to earning a full university credit in high school, these student gained some great life experience. The AP kids, or APS celebrated on Friday, and I bought the cookies. These APES celebrate their AP success!

I've recently taken to using Wilton cookie writers. They are amazing. I love the detail I can get... Check out the sassy monkeys:

I like the fact that they are simpler than using all royal icing. Even though it is not classic, as in using all icing, it is nice to have an easier way of getting a great look. I do like the look of the markers, what do you all think?

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  1. These cheeky monkeys are adorable!
    So detailed.

    Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog and cupcakes, I'm still quite new to all this blogging lark so still jump for joy every time I get a new follower, you made my day x

  2. Meg- the APES loved the cookies, and I was (once again) a satisfied customer! May I preorder for the next birthday?
    Hope you're having a great summer!
