Thursday, August 5, 2010

Frogs, Flowers, Fishes and... Ladybugs?


Looking at me.... creepy~!

Lady bugs do not fit into the request I got... Flowers, Frogs, Fishes and Lady Bugs. I don't know why, but the request made me smile, especially since it was for a really nice lady I know. I was so happy to be able to decorate the cookies too, since it has been a while since I've made any!

I wanted to use bright colours. So beside the red lady bugs, I made bright yellow/purple fishes, and some bright green frogs. Together, they made quite the splash!

I realize this is more of a spring-type cookie, and given our warm weather, they seemed off, but I liked to look at the colours! I actually didn't get a good picture of the Lady Bugs (as you can tell with the faces), but you know what they look like :) I wonder what cookie I will do next?

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