Friday, September 10, 2010

EURIKA! Finally, REAL Maple Tarts

After 8 years of search, I have finally cracked the secret of Hubbie's dream Maple Tart. It comes at a sad time, it's maker, his aunt, passed away. At her funeral, the tart recipe was discussed, but no one had the recipe, she had kept it a secret for all her life, and no one would ever receive it. Yet the discussion was fruitful, those who discussed the memory of the tart slowly unwrapped it's secret. And I was able to figure out it's secrets.

The tart is the size of a two-bite brownie, or a mini cupcake. Those around here describe them as a "Sally-Anne," a small cake, like a Petit Four, but larger. Cake, crust, icing, a secret for so long.

The secret was in the description. I doubt that anyone expected it to be such an easy discovery, but after speaking with Hubbie's family, I got the just of how to make it, much to Hubbie's chagrin. What is in a Maple Tart?

The actual recipe is a secret, but the description is there, and is forever a reminder of H's Aunt, who for years would bake these treats for family gatherings, making them lovingly for others. Now, I shall make them lovingly, remembering the lady whose secrecy passed this recipe to me, not on purpose, but whose secrecy made them legend.


  1. Uncle Etts would love these,..maple is a thing his mom used! <3

  2. Une réalisation qui semble délicieuse.
    A tester rapidement.
    Bon weekend et à bientôt.

  3. Yummy and so pretty. Always love to have a surprise center.

    Plan B
