Friday, October 29, 2010

Marshmallow Fondant Recipe

People are always unsure about fondant. They see it, think it looks nice, but are usually scared away by the difficulties of keeping it smooth, working it, or heck, even making it. Truth is, it's very easy. Fondant can be used for more than covering cakes; I use fondant to make sugar flowers, decorations, and even little people for cake toppers. It's flexible and fun to play with - like Play-dough that is sweet, rather than salty.

(Chocolate cake covered with pink MMF)

I've already posted two little tutorials on how to make Sugar Cherry Blossoms, and Bloody Brains out of fondant, but in neither did I post my favorite fondant recipe, MMF (A.K.A Marshmallow Fondant). Why do I use MMF rather than plane ol' Fondant, and what is the difference? Well, it's all in the taste, and the work!

Regular Fondant is made of sugar, glucose/corn syrup, gelatin and some other stuff. The bottom line, is that it's a little more difficult to work with. It tends to split, crack, and dry out. It's taste is bland, and strange. Most people will peal off the fondant because it's not a very delicious addition, even though it's pretty.

Marshmallow Fondant, on the other hand, tastes like marshmallows (as it's a main ingredient). It is simple to make (melt marshmallows add sugar), and rolls out nice without drying out. Some common complaints with it are that it can have pits (not as smooth all the time), and can be very sticky to work with. I find that it's yummier though and well worth the trade.

(Blue MMF rolled over a cake decorated with Sugar Flowers)

(MMF Brains on Red Velvet cupcakes)

So, the Recipe?

Marshmallow Fondant:

  • 4 c (9 oz pkg) miniature marshmallows
  • 4 c (1 lb) powdered sugar + plus extra for dusting
  • 2 tbsp water
  • Food coloring or flavored extracts, optional
  • 1-2 tbsp shortening (for hands)


1. Place marshmallows and the water in a large glass (safe) bowl. Microwave for 30 sec, stir marshmallows, microwave for 20 more sec. Do this until the marshmallows are puffy (melted).
2. Stir the marshmallows with a rubber spatula until they are melted and smooth. Make sure there are no lumps at all. At this stage, add colour or flavor (if desired) and stir.
3. Slowly add the powdered sugar and begin to stir with the spatula. Stir until the sugar begins to incorporate and it becomes impossible to stir anymore.
4. Scrape the fondant mixture out onto a sugar-dusted, smooth surface. It will be sticky and lumpy, with lots of sugar that has not been incorporated yet--this is normal. Place some shortening on your hands to keep the fondant from sticking, and begin to knead the fondant mixture like bread dough, working the sugar into the marshmallow with your hands.
5. Knead until smooth and not sticky (you may need to coat your hands every now and again to prevent sticking). You want to make a stiff dough, but not too stiff. Let fondant sit for 1h or use right way. Fondant can be stored in an air-tight bag until ready to use. I coat mine in a little shortening, then wrap it in plastic wrap, THEN stick it in a ziplock baggie. But that's me :)

Make some just to play with, it's well worth it, and a lot of fun. Kids enjoy it too because they can eat their creations! You can also keep the fondant white until made, and colour it later - this is messy - kneed the colour in the center of a fondant ball, then work though with a little shortening on your hands. As always, it's all about preference. MMF seems to work for me. Try it out, and tell me what you think.

Have fun!
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  1. ooooh...I can't wait to try this recipe! I've mentioned your recipe on my blog Five Sixteenths. I am making my cake for my birthday & am looking for great fondant recipes. I've never done fondant before so I am excited to try it out! Hope you'll pop by :)

  2. So a lot of blogs say that when using fondant to decorate cookies, spread butter cream frosting over cookie before u put the fondant layer down so that the fondant sticks to the cookie better. I was wondering if u are going to layer fondant over fondant (for example, a star fondant shape over a circle fondant shape,) do u need to put frosting between the fondant so the fondant will stick to the fondant, or does the fondant naturally just stick to itself?

  3. On cakes, yes, Fondant needs a glue in the form of icing. However, if you did not wish to do that on a cookie, you actually do not have to. Wetting the back of the MMF (and it works for MMF only in my opinion) with some water on a paintbrush liquifies some of the sugar in the fondant. It will stick to the cookie without icing. Some people don't like this method, I find it works just fine.
