Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Who is the Queen Now - Crown Cookies

I'm sure it's poor form to play with your food, but honestly, there are times when it is necessary! Enter: THE CROWN COOKIE!

Now, I didn't actually have a crown cookie cutter when I was asked to make this cookie; I was a little panicked as to what I would do. I found that a collection of cutters can replace a single one. You'll see what I mean.

(I ate this cookie... don't worry!)

The cookies themselves were quite simple. Blue crowns for boys, pink crowns for girls. The pink are more tiara, whereas the boys have a more jester-king sort of look.

Each of the crowns was individually tagged with the intended child's name. While Jack was common, I thought the name Timea was different. What a unique name!

All in all, the crowns turned out quite nice, and I was proud with them - considering they were made from scratch and I had no cutter! So, here's how I did it, I h

Here's hubbie! He's a little camera shy!

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Join the LINK PARTY @ Someday Crafts & Seven Thirty Three & The Shabby Nest



  1. So yummy looking, but almost to cute to eat!

  2. Love them! Perfect for a girls party, no matter how old we girls are.

    Plan B
