Monday, December 13, 2010

Grinch Cookies

The Cheerleading wind-up is coming. This Thursday I promised the guys that I'd bring some kind of special goodie and asked what they wanted me to make. Naturally, they asked for a cookie. So, well, okay, while I realize this will spoil the surprise for the girls, I could not wait to post this cookie design! I made what they asked for, Dr. Seuss' Grinch... IN COOKIE FORM!

One of the girls loves the Grinch so much, she wears a hat with his smirking face all year long. It's beautiful!

I have to admit, free-handing these cookies proved to be a bit of a challenge. First, I cut out a picture of the Grinch's head, then I baked the cookie and began to decorate by first outlining the face in green, flooding it, then painting on the smirk. I realize that normally you'd start with the base layers (green and blue in this case) then add the detail, but I was simply too excited to do that. I just had to make his face. You can't really tell but I brushed pink luster-dust on the cheeks. I guess my Royal Icing is a bit too smooth to pick it up though. :)

While not all the smirks equally looked devilish, my husband came home today and said, "OH WOW, IT'S THE GRINCH!", so I knew beyond a doubt that I must have done this right. I wish I had a KopyCake... if anyone feels philanthropic and wishes to send me some cheer for Christmas, please feel free to contact me. :)

P.S - Did I mention that it is currently -28 degrees C outside? Good thing my oven was on! I might have frozen. SNAPS TO BAKING COOKIES DURING WINTER!

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  1. That is so cool! I love the details on your grinch!

  2. oh wow! those look JUST like him! Great job!

  3. I love anything Seuss! These look like Geisel designed them...

    If you have a chance tonight, please link these cookies up to Creative Juice Thursday


  4. How cute! The face is flawless and perfect! Great job : )

  5. wow these look awesome! I did grinch cupcakes recently so anything grinch is a winner here....great job on the details too....royal icing is tough sometimes!

  6. Wow! These are amazing! You did an awesome job on the grinch face!

  7. I am still smitten with these. Thanks so much for linking up!

    { are going to be featured tomorrow, so stop by to pick up your button from my sidebar}

    Can't wait to see what else you bake up in the coming weeks!

    nicolette @

  8. Wow, the Grinch looks GREAT!!

    Too cute to eat. :)

  9. Saw your Grinch cookie on Pinterest and love them. The Grinch is my favorite and you did an amazing job.Had to feature them in my blog today.

  10. I have a Christmas party at church tomorrow with a Whoville theme. I searched online and found these cookies. I made over 3 dozen. They don't look quite like yours and I did mine with the flooding icing that hardens and then regular buttercream for the face and hat details. Here's a link to the album of my pics I posted on facebook. Thank you so much I had a blast making these and I'm sure they'll be I hit tomorrow at the party! My hand is cramping like crazy though:) Merry Christmas! -Cyndi
