Monday, December 6, 2010

Homemade Mint Patties!

Have you ever had a York Peppermint Pattie, or any peppermint pattie for that matter? Do you know how icy cool they feel, and how they melt in your mouth so good!? Well, I've been dieing to try this recipe for some time now. I'm super happy to share it with you! This is recipe is only a part of the Christmas Baking I've begun. I've got many more favorites to show you over the next couple of weeks, so keep with me on this one.

The peppermint Patty! Wanna know how to make it?

In A bowl, combine the following ingredients:

- 2 1/4 c powdered sugar
- 2 tbsp light corn syrup
- 2 tbsp (you may also need some extra) water
- 1 tsp peppermint extract
- you may want about a tbsp of shortening to keep it from sticking to the rolling pin.

The ingredients should start to ball together, when they are just starting to form into a dough ball, take the ball out and kneed it a little to ensure full incorporation (you may need more water at this point). You do not want to put too much more icing sugar into the dough or it will be too thick and not as melty when eaten.

While kneading it, you can add colour to the dough. I separated into two colours, green and red for Christmas.

CAUTION! The dough is very sticky! You will need to use lots of Powdered/Icing sugar to keep it from sticking to the surface of your counter. Just take a deep breath, and work with a dough scraper.


Once you have your dough is good to go, begin rolling it out between parchment sheets. Again, it will be quite sticky. You can also use a little shortening to prevent the sticking.

Either roll out the single colour, or layer then roll up the two colour doughs to make the swirl. Here, I layered Red and Green.

All coiled up...

Cut the roll in 1/2 inch increments. The dough will sag, and you may need to slightly reform it as you go along. It's quite easy!

Now, take the mint insides and freeze for about 10 minutes or so. While they freeze, temper 300 grams of fine quality chocolate - I like 70% Cocoa. Over a double boiler, heat 200g of the chocolate to 80 degrees, remove from heat, place remaining 100g of chocolate, stir until incorporated and melted, then return the chocolate to the double boiler and heat to 88 degrees (on your chocolate thermometer). This is a science! It can be tricky. Don't feel too bad, just do your best! ( I just misspelled chocolate 3 times in this sentences - OH MY! Thank you spell check!)

Now, dip each mint piece into the choco. I use a fork and just tap them in and out, then use a toothpick to remove the chocolate from the fork. Place chocolate on parchment to dry - about 2 hours. Remove and YUM!

A picture of the chocolate and the insides. The swirl when cut gives this striped look. You can do as many colours as you want!

Marry Christmas! Hope you like this one!

Linking up: Texas Monkey, the Girl Creative

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  1. Every year the women in my family get together for a Christmas tea party and we all bring awesome sweets. I might just try your recipe this year!!

  2. I will most definitely have to try this. I'm a sucker for anything chocolate & mint, and you through in Christmas colors, I'm there :)

  3. Cute I've seen a few mint patties around but I really like your swirly version.

  4. These look absolutely fantastic, great Christmas candy! Seriously festive, I love them.

  5. I love the Christmas coloured swirl, very clever! And I love mint patties!

  6. These look awesome! I love them. I featured you today on my favorite things :)

  7. Super cool. I'm trying this one tomorrow. This is my daughters favorite candy and these are great for co-workers gifts. Thanks!

    Plan B

  8. Those look so cool...I almost didn't read your post because I figured they would be hard to do....thank you for the tutorial!! These have been added to my 'goodie list' that I'm making tomorrow. I will link to your blog when I post :-)
    Shantel @

  9. Meg: Those look so good I think I will make them. They look so good I may not want to share, but sharing is caring.

  10. Those look so delicious. I love peppermint patties, and yours are just so pretty.

    Please come link up this recipe at my Holiday Recipe Link Party.

    If you have any other recipes that you'd like to share, please feel free.

  11. These look fantastic! So festive!

  12. These look great, and way easier than I thought!!

    I'm featuring these on my blog today.

  13. I found you through another blog I follow ( avoiding the laundry) and am now following you! These look great! I'm putting a link on my Facebook page!

  14. These look wonderful - I would love it if you linked them in my Cookie Exchange!

    Party and Entertaining Inspiration

  15. YUM! Making me want to raid our sweets! Those look absolutely delicious! These are definitely going on my to-make list :)

  16. These are my favorite GS cookies! So glad to find this recipe and I love that you put in the christmas colors! come link up to my Sew Crafty Saturday Party!

  17. Absolutely gorgeous! I would love to try these. They look fantastic and I am sure they taste the same. These would sure be the hit of the party. Fun idea!

  18. I tried making these and the dough was way too sticky to roll out. Instead, I made little "lumps" and dunked those in chocolate. Still tasty, though!

  19. I featured you today on my blog.

  20. I love pepermint patties but I never thought to MAKE them! Yum!!! I would love it if you would link these up to my party tomorrow.

    Stacy @ Not JUST A Housewife

  21. Ok, I tried these after I saw your post on another linky party (maybe tt&j?) and tey were soo yummy. They didn't turn out as pretty, I had problems in the dipping area, but they tasted great, which is all that really counts.

  22. Thank you for linking up today! I am going to feature these tomorrow :)

  23. Guess what I made yesterday??? They are so yummy!

  24. These look amazing! My hubs loves mint, I might have to give these a try!

  25. I am definitely going to try these. My DH loves York peppermint patties and buys them by the case.



  26. These look amazing! They are just so pretty! I'd love for you to share with my readers if you have a chance. Thanks!

  27. Talk about eye candy! I showed these to my sister and she's going to make them. I can't wait to try them. Thank you so much for sharing at Taking A Timeout Thursday. Hope to see you again this week.
    --Trish @ Mom On Timeout

  28. I love how these look! We made them but not this cool looking. We'll have to make them again for Christmas! Thanks.

  29. You're being featured at this week's Taking A Timeout Thursday party. Thanks for sharing!
    -Trish@Mom On Timeout

  30. These look amazing-so festive! I bet they taste great too. I love mint! Will you link them up to our Holiday Cookie Recipe Swap?

  31. I just found you through Cheerios& Lattes. I am a new follower and would love for you to come share at my Farm Girl Blog Fest:

    Fresh Eggs Daily

  32. These look awesome! You are a featured favorite this week on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes! Thanks for sharing last week; we can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to this week!
    Merry Christmas!
