Sunday, January 23, 2011

Disney's "Tangled" Cake

Gosh, I am so happy! This cake turned out more or less the way I wanted it to, I should have made it a little taller, but then again, I'm overly critical on my work. I made this cake for a friend's daughter. I love making sugar-paste people. I love the little smirk she's giving!

I watched Tangled twice now. I love that movie, and totally recommend it to anyone who's a fan of Disney. Now... it is true that Disney movies have been a little touch and go over the last decade (yes, decade). They've had some great hits like Finding Nemo and, Enchanted, but there have been a lot of flops as well. I'll leave it up to you which you like and do not. But it is nice to see that there are still some good cartoons (or CGs) coming out of this.

So, which are my favorite Disney movies?

ENCHANTED! I have to have watched it about a million times! I love the characters and the plot. Super funny!

Tangled: I believe out of all the Disney movies out there, Rapunzel captures my personality the best. Hubbie was like: Wow wife, that's you! I agree! Clueless, Dorky, and very excitable!

UP: so sad. I don't think I've not cried at the beginning. Too sad. I love the whole thing!

And, just to be clear, I do NOT have kids... I love cartoons!

My mom used to comment that I never grew up. I think that's true for the most part. But then again, I think that was one of the best things about me. I never saw Talk Shows like all the kids my age, I enjoyed the cartoons more!

I love Pascal. Too bad I have no use for stuffed animals, or I would buy his!

Now, the cake was a rainbow vanilla butter cake. I didn't make it to the party to get a picture of the cut cake, but maybe I will be able to get pictures to post.

I would love to know what Disney movies you liked the best. Which Disney character best represents your personality?

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  1. Oh wow this cake look a-ma-zing!!! I am stunned!

  2. This is so cute! You are super talented.


  3. Are you kidding me? My daughter would LOOOOVE this cake for her b-day! I'm with you~I adored Tangled, it's a tear-jerker! :) It's so embarassing to cry at an animated movie!!!

  4. WOW!!! That is amazing!!! We would love for you to link this up at Fancy This Fridays tomorrow so our readers can see! :)

  5. WOW, amazing job! Picture perfect!

  6. This is seriously one of the cutest cakes I've ever seen!

    ~Stephanie @

  7. Wow - this is awesome! My daughter would flip over this cake!!

  8. We featured your AMAZING cake from the Fancy This Fridays link up!! Thanks for linking!!! Hope you'll check it out and grab a featured button! :)
