Friday, January 7, 2011

Oh my goodness, IT'S DONE!

I am so happy to have my table back! This cake has taken over my house, with each piece needing to dry for a few days before they are used. My goodness. Yet, this Little Mermaid Cake is truly one of my best cakes.

This particular cake is for a very special, very adorable young lady named Noelle, who is turning 2 today! :: HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOELLE ::. When asked what kind of cake she wanted, she simply said 'DISNEY PRINCESS.' Choosing her favorite princess, Ariel, her mom went online and found this cake as the basis for the design. She was super excited, how could I say no. Shout out to DragonFlyDoces for the design.

As stated previously, each piece is made of gumpaste. The cake is chocolate, filled with cream cheese buttercream icing, and covered by Marshmallow Fondant tinted Dark blue, Light blue and white. You can not make it out well in these photos due to the glare.

I have always wanted to cover a cake board with brown sugar sand, now I can say I have. It hardens overnight, so it's perfect!

This weekend I have to make ELMO cookies and a shaped Elmo cake. I've not done a shaped pan in a long time, this should be interesting! Until then!

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  1. Wow what an amazing cake. Im sure the birthday girl will be very very happy.

  2. Yeah, that topper is incredible! I've seen a lot of people try to make mermaids, but this is quite possibly the best I've seen!

  3. Wow...I'm browsing around your site and am quite impressed! :-) You have quite a talent. I added your button to my blog and am a new follower. My daughter looked at this one and said she wanted it. :-)!
