Saturday, May 28, 2011

Adam's 1st birthday, My first dessert table

Today was my friend's son's 1st Birthday Party. The theme was A day at the Circus. TOO CUTE! So of course I had planned his dessert table four months ago! I told, not asked, my friend Deneine that I was making the display/dessert table for Adam's party, and whatever she had planned, we would work through it. So, when she told me that the theme was a circus, I was all too thrilled. The whole shebang was big! She had a bouncie castle, fish pond, prizes, tickets, games, SNOWCONES, cotton candy, hot dogs, it was HUGE! Deneine never does anything small, and I was totally excited to meet her expectations.

This was my first dessert table. I've been following so many different blogs where super-moms make awesome tables, and felt totally inadequate. I mean, I'm not a mom (yet), nor do I often get the chance to throw big parties. I used this chance, and this baby as my fake-super-mom-awesome-party-of-awesomeness dessert table. The result:

I don't think I did quite bad. I wish I had had more time to bake, but I knew there was too much candy/food as it was, so I tried not to bake too much, knowing full well that it probably would not get all eaten (most of it did!).

On the table I had (center) Chocolate dipped Oreos, peanut-free peanut cookies (sugar cookies decorted to look like peanuts - below, jelly-beans, jujubes), chocolate mustaches (not pictured here), and of course, cake: big one for the party, small one for Adam to squash!

My favorite part were the cookies. I took so long decorating those bad-boys to look like peanuts. I did a base coat, then a few lines on top to make them look like peanuts. Sadly, I didn't get a good picture of them! ARGH! They looked so cute wrapped up in the home-made wrappers!

Of course, everyone loved the cake, that is nothing to be surprised about. I did, however, underestimate the number of people who planned on eating it, and we came up a bit short... kids eat a lot of cake! I planned for 30 people, but we had so many more. It was truly an awesome day!

Until next time!

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  1. I think the dessert table turned out amazing! I am so impressed with your cake.

  2. Beautiful! I just just made my second cake with much to learn still.but beautiful cakes like yours, keep me trying. The punts were cute too...what a great day!

  3. Wonderfully colorful, whimsical and fun cake! I also love the circus peanuts! Very creative!

  4. so adorable!!! i love the theme and its executed perfectly :) super cute peanut cookies! found you over at sunday showcase, stop by for a visit sometime


  5. Cutie, cute, cute. That looks super fun!

  6. So lucky getting to do a whole dessert table, you did a fantastic job. I love the peanut cookie idea and the cake looks perfect. I'm making a carnival inspired cake on the weekend, you've given me some inspiration.

  7. You did a great job. I love the cake and all the details.

  8. Your cake rocks! Thanks for linking this up to Sweets for a Saturday.

  9. What an awesome table! The cake looks amazing! /good Job!

  10. Great job! I love the cake-great details! The peanut cookie party favors were a great idea.

  11. looks fantastic! kids do love cake!!

  12. I love the circus theme bday party. I almost did it for my DD 3rd bday. So great! Thanks for sharing. I love that cake!

    LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella

  13. Fabulous cake! How fun is that!!!!

  14. We are doing a circus theme for my baby girls bday! Love all your details!!

    Thanks for sharing!
    My linky ;)

  15. what a sweet birthday party happy birthday to your little man you did a great on celebrating it come see what I shared at
