Saturday, May 21, 2011


Well, I'm back! After a few weeks of being sick, I seem to be on the upswing! HURRAY! I've been unable to bake due to a crazy eye infection, so I've been fantasizing non-stop about all the wonderful things I'm going to bake when I get better... dreams! Oh what dreams!

Today, being the first day I'm better I jumped right into it... I decided to make some pretty sunflower cookies.

Flood cookies can be very pretty, or even very simple. The key is to put in details. Here, I'll show you. Take this simple flood sugar cookie. I've done the base work on it already... I've given it a yellow bottom layer, and even started to put in the center of the flower. But something is still missing.

This cookie is what I call an in-transit cookie, on it's way to being finished. The key is to add just a touch more detail to make it pop. What makes a flower pop better than its petals?

To bring this cookie to the next level, I began to pipe in the detail: a little definition into the body:

You can get the idea of how this works, by adding the outline to the cookie, the petals are no longer just a blob, but now, they become defined! All cookies are like this, finding the right touch to make a cookie pop!

So pretty. So, onto my next project, it's sure to be amazing!!!

Until then!

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  1. OH they look so beautiful and tasty! I am happy to hear that you are doing well now.

  2. Hello!
    They are so pretty and are making me drool!
    Happy to hear you are feeling better!

  3. So pretty! (eye infection...ouchie.)

  4. It's so true about making the cookie pop. I hadn't thought about it in that way before, but your comparison is so easy to see. :)

  5. Good to hear you are feeling better! sunflowers are such happy looking flowers and these cookie versions are no different. They bring big smiles and cookie cravings :)

  6. My godness, I just want to eat these sunflowers!

  7. Beautiful! Would love for you to link up to my Sweet Treats Party today! Hope to see you there :)

  8. Love it! These are beautiful. I love seeing new cookie designs and hearing details about why they work :)

  9. Beautiful cookies. Can't help but smile when I see big sunflower cookies. Your details make all the difference!

  10. These are perfect. It's amazing how much a simple outline to the cookie makes it look a million times better! Great job.

  11. These cookies look amazing yet simple with your instruction. I love them. They're perfect for summer parties. I'd like to invite you to share your recipe and method at A Well-Seasoned Life's Sweet Indulgences Sunday!

  12. This cookie is just beautiful. Just wanted to say hello, I'm your newest follower. I host a link party every week and would love for you to link up some of your recipes and follow me too. Hope to see you there!

  13. Those are just darling little cookies. Thanks for linking this up to Sweets for a Saturday.

  14. Such Happy Cookies! Popping over from Show & Tell Friday's to say hello! xoox, tracie

  15. These are so cute!

    Have a great weekend!
