Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Orange Flower Cupcakes

Just a small peak at some playing in the kitchen.

I'm getting ready for a guest post another blogger, Malory @ Snips & Spice.It's going to rock, so stay tuned.
In the mean time, I used some of the scraps from the project to make a simple Orange-Flower cupcake.

This is an white-chocolate almond cake with orange-essence buttercream. I decided to use the orange flowers to contrast the cuppie's blue background. I like swirls, but need to work on them a little more. Still, it has been a long time since I've done a domed-fondant-covered cupcake. I like the look (you can't really see it in the photos). It's very classy.

Now, I've got some family issues to deal with that make me sad. I hope you all enjoy this little tidbit until I can actually show you my project. Big tutorial, coming up!

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  1. I love the orange poppy on the blue background! Your scrolls still look beautiful, I think we are always a bit harder on ourselves than others may be. We notice the imperfections in our own work that others do not even glance at. I love them!

  2. I love the orange poppy on the blue background! Your scrolls still look beautiful, I think we are always a bit harder on ourselves than others may be. We notice the imperfections in our own work that others do not even glance at. I love them!

  3. Those are such pretty cupcakes!

    I'm sorry you have to deal with unpleasant family stuff. Hope it resolves quickly (((hugs)))

  4. gorgeous cupcakes! Almost too good to eat!

  5. What pretty cupcakes -- the orange flower is stunning but the background is perfect!

  6. These are so pretty! They're almost too pretty to eat! They look perfect!


  7. Beautiful cupcakes & perfect flower! Love the background :)

