Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pokémon: Pi - Pikachu! I choose you!

Well, here it is. I have been dieing to make a Pikachu cake for a while. Other than for my own birthday, I had no reason to make one. It is not easy when most of your friend's kids are all under 5. Luckily, one of my co-worker's children is over 7, and LOVES Pokémon! Whenever I teach them, they always ask for free time to read their Pokémon books, or to draw their favorite Pokémon, or rather, ask me and the EA to draw the complicated Pokémon for them! (づ ̄ )

This Pikachu cake was super fun and easy to make. I used one six inch round cake pan (two cakes stacked) and two nine inch cakes (cut in half and placed side-by-side) to make carve the shape. Dirty ice it, then cover in fondant. 

The ears are made of gumpaste, as is the tail. That was the hardest part, making sure the gumpaste was the same color as the fondant. ㅎ__ㅎ;; All the details are made from fondant and Americolor food color.

It was an interesting project, that I was super happy to do. When I first thought of a Pokémon cake, I wanted to do a Snorlax... the sleepiest character (most like me, lazy)! But since Pokémon Red and Blue are no longer as popular, and since Snorlax falls away to the super cute new characters I figured I would go with a popular one instead. I need to do a Snorlax for my birthday... MEMO TO SELF!

 So, while some small details bothered me, the mouth being one, the cake board being the other.... I rather enjoyed using the cake as a distraction, especially given our current status on building. Needs more happy Pikachus (plural) to liven up my mood! 
I have one more great cake project that I'm doing, but that's not until next week. Maybe I will go and bake some cookies! Something bright and cheerful!
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  1. Thank you for linking up! Your post has been pinned :)

  2. BTW, if I made a cake like that, I could never, ever cut into it and destroy it!

  3. I think it turned out really cute!

  4. oh so cute, and I would not want to cut into it either, it is way too cute!

  5. Oh my gosh! This cake turned out so cute! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!
