Monday, July 30, 2012

Towwwww Mater!

I had the most amazing day yesterday. It included a four hour car ride one way, and a midnight 4 for hour car drive back... but the between.. PRICELESS! Actually, the ride back was pretty sweet too! This is the reason for the trip!

My nephew Aiden was celebrating his 3rd birthday.

 I have not seen my niece and nephew in four months, so I definitely needed to drive to Thunder Bay to visit. The problem is that I have another cake project due this weekend, so I didn't have a lot of time to spare. So, SURPRISE! I took a day trip down there (8 hour round trip) to go to the birthday party. What would a party be without cookies?

I made special Tow Mater cookies from Disney's Cars movies; Aiden LOVES Mater. In fact, most of his present were 'Cars' related. It was a super surprise for them. I walked in the door and Abby, my niece, JUMPED ME! We had cake which dyed our mouths blue, ate hot-dogs and played! Here's Abby with her tooth-fairy costume (her future career aspiration).

 And of course, Cookies for everyone~

Vivian and Brooklyn (Abby and Aiden's friends) munch away on their cookies!

Even my cousin Kathrine enjoys the cookies.

Okay... so like I said, big project, three cakes, major work to be done! It's time for me to stop being lazy and get some work done. For some reason, I never post as much in the Summer... guess the heat combined with the prospect of swimming! Hehee, I'm a fish in the summer.

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  1. awesome time! I love visiting with you!

  2. aw so cute, lucky birthday boy:)

  3. What awesome cookies; my little guys would LOVE these! :) We would love to invite you to join us on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes! I know my readers would love your awesome ideas! Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie :)

  4. These are so cute! Thanks for sharing at Snips and Spice Sunday Slice. I featured you this week!
