Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Coconut-Lime Cuppies

Let's get down to business. It's 27 degrees outside, the sun in shining, it is hot! Time for some cuppies. Okay, maybe I'm a little crazy cooking in this heat, but the idea of coconut-lime cupcakes had my hubbie drooling, so I was asked for this one little favor.

This cuppie was not hard, just a little adaptation from a vanilla cake recipe. Add some lime zest, and coconut into the mix, then top with butter cream (with lime zest) and you have a crazy good thing going!

I love the little flower-bowls (below), they hold one cuppie. Can you imagine some vanilla ice cream with these? I can! Oh man!

Two, one for ♥, and one for me!

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1 comment:

  1. haha! I rad 27 degrees and I was like, WHAT?!?! Then I realized you must be speaking celcius and I understood!
