Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blooming by the window

I love flowers. Living in an apartment does not give you much room to grow big plants, so I keep happy with a, rather large now, Pothos, an Ivy, and a polka-dot plant (in PINK♥). One might even go as far as to say I do have a green thumb. When I lived with my parents, I redid their entire front yard, fixed the thatch on their lawn, and cleaned up and re-planted their garden. It looked amazing. So, now I've taken a fancy to the colours in my house. Enter my newest cookie creation:

This little pot I did right before mother's day. It was supposed to be a surprise, so I didn't post it up right away. I chose to do it in the favorite colours: Pink, Purple, and Yellow. My mom went nuts! She took some of the cookies with her to the park, and accidentally broke them in her purse. It turned out all right though, Abby, my niece, got to eat some cookie pieces; she was pleased!

So, on the sill they sit with... my oops I forgot ... spider plant. I don't think these cookies need any sun though.

Until next time!

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  1. How cute! Love how you have them on the window sill!

  2. That is absolutely adorable! I live in an apt. too and this is a really fun idea.
