Friday, May 14, 2010

Fun in the Sun... kinda

I would like to say the weather here in Fort has been getting nicer, but that's just not true. We needed rain badly, and after hoping and praying, we got it... in spades! Two weeks of rain or rainy weather later, we are finally going to get some sun, and just in time for the weekend. There is a reason Fort Frances is on Rainy Lake!

To celebrate, and maybe coax the sun out, I made SUN COOKIES! Let's hope I can spread a little sunshine in Fort Frances.

My friend made the comment that the face on the right looks like Lisa Simpson.... from the Simpsons? I agreed. Can you imagine Simpsons cookies?

Bag'em, and bring them to school. These are some cool cookies!

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1 comment:

  1. Ces biscuits sont très mignons.
    Ils vont peut-être nous ramener un peu de soleil.
    A bientôt.
