Monday, June 28, 2010

Cookie Theater Presents: Star Wars Part 2!

Another part of Cookie Theater, as per request: part two of Star Wars. This time, I used the cookie theme "Lego Star Wars." (note the Lego hands and heads). Just a little note: Hans and Luke were the same cookie, Hans Solo has it written on his chest to tell the difference :)



In our last episode, Luke Skywalker discovered the power of the Jedi, and the Force. After rescuing the princess Leia, Luke, Han Solo, and the gang blow up the Deathstar, a giant weapon capable of blowing up planets. While fighting on the Deathstar, Luke discovers that Darth Vader, the evil dark Jedi, is his father (he did search his heart, he did know it to be true).

Now, having rescued Princess Leia from Jabba the Hutt, Luke and the gang must face off to save the galaxy...


Forces invade... they rescue and thaw Han Solo.

Everyone now parties with the Ewoks! PARTY TIME~

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  1. Aha I love this! So much! I wish there was an ewok cookie though :D

  2. I think I just had a nerd-gasm. ;-) Love those cookies so very very much!! I would love it if you would link this up to my blog party, A Marvelous Mess!! One project from each party will be featured on my sidebar for a week!! Here is the link:

  3. That is awesome! I love the cookies and the story. I may have to try something like that for my husband, he is a huge star wars fan. :)

  4. I just wanted to let you know that I featured this project on my blog Marvelously Messy. Go to this link to see it and get your button if you'd like:

    Thanks for linking up and be sure to come back next Monday!!

  5. You are so talented! My six year old wants to know why I don't make star Wars Cookies!
