Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Maple Tart: The search!

Hubbie had an aunt who, when he was young, would bake the most amazing maple tarts. His desire to reclaim the taste has never waned, he often asks me to try to reproduce the taste. And I have tried, but that magic, and his memory, seemed to have gone.

Recently, I gave it another shot.

Enter the Maple Pecan Tart.

This tart is slightly creamy on the inside, but contrasted by the crunch of pecans.
They were delicious, but not exactly what he remembers. I will have to try again! Still, these ranked 7.5/10 in his books.

Wanna try them out?

Maple Pecan Tarts:

(My Pie Crust RECIPE- click)
- 1 tbsp flour
-1 1/4 c pecans (chopped)
- 3/4 c sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1/3 c corn syrup
- 1/3 c maple syrup
- 2 tbsp butter
- 1 tbsp vanilla
- 1 tbsp Rum/Bourbon
- 2 tbsp heavy cream

1.Preheat oven to 350°F. Sprinkle flour over one side of pastry. Press pastry crust, flour side down, onto bottom and up side pan. Sprinkle pecans into the tart shells. (Bake 5 min)

2. Combine granulated sugar and eggs, in medium bowl; whisk until well blended. Stir in corn syrup, maple syrup, butter, rum/bourbon [Malibu is awesome in this because of the coconut taste :)], cream and vanilla; mix well. Carefully (it is hot!) pour mixture over pecans, coating them well. (Pecans will float to surface but do not fret, this is a good thing!)

3. Place on baking sheet, then bake for another 30 minutes or until golden brown and center is set. Cool completely on a wire rack.


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  1. Hi Meghan,

    My name is Richard and I am the founder of: We would love to add your recipe to our site.

    Give us a shout!

  2. You should so upload to maple syrup world! How cool is that. These look great, I love maple syrup x

  3. This is great - it's a good addition to the dinner tables.
