Friday, June 4, 2010

Goodbye Willow

Two days ago, my Goddaughter, Willow Scott-Hannam (4), passed away after being struck by a horse and carriage on a field trip. Words cannot express the pain.

The Article

My heart goes out to Mamma Serena, who is currently in the hospital ICU for an unrelated illness, Father, Matt, Grandma Judy, Papa Bill.
She was Perfect.

May we all find meaning in your time here. She changed people, through her kind nature.

Sleep Well.

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  1. Our thoughts and prayers are also with mom Serena...May the Lord hold this family tight.

  2. So sorry for your precious loss. I will be praying for y'all.

  3. My thoughts are with you and with the family.

  4. I am so sorry to hear of your terrible loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  5. What a tragic loss for you and the family. Know that you have people praying for you to get through this very difficult time.

  6. So Sorry For Your Loss

  7. My heart broke after reading this. What a terrible accident, and what an absolutely beautiful girl. We send our kiddos on field trips all of the time, without any worry. I am so sorry for the loss, and pain that you are feeling. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

  8. Mrs Spooner, im so sorry for your loss and my thoughts and prayers are with you and her family. ♥ She is beautiful ♥
