Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Purple Blueberries?

Thank you to all the well-wishers who had Willow and her family in their prayers. While things are rough, the wishes help.

While life gets back to normal, I'm baking to keep myself busy. Enter these wonderful berries from my freezer.

Walmart is a cheep place to get frozen fruit, and I have often wondered about the quality. However, it's not yet blueberry season in Fort, so I had to get them. I was initially amazed at what they did to my batter:

That's right, they are purple. My friend originally asked me if I had dyed the batter with some gel, but when I told her that the berries did it, we both had a good laugh. Honestly, I thought that it was at least a little more tinted than it otherwise should have been.

Cooked, they didn't look so bad. They lost that bright colour (ignore the browness which seemed to contrast the colour). They were delicious!

Big bite: sooo moist and soft! LOVED THEM. You can make them too!

Blueberry Muffins:
1 1/2 c Flour
3/4 c sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/3 c vegetable oil
1 egg
1/3 c milk
1 c blueberries

1. Mix oil and sugar, salt, and egg.
2. mix flour and Baking Powder. Slowly add in Flour mix and Milk alternately.
3. Add blueberries. Mix until incorporated.
Bake @350 for 10-15 min.

Let cool and enjoy!

For some unknown reason I like to have my muffins (especially fruit ones) cold! I always stick at least one out-of-the-oven muffin in the fridge so that I can enjoy it quicker. Just like my apples... cold fruit is amazing! What do you think?

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