Friday, August 27, 2010

Spinach and Cheese Ravioli

I've often toyed with the idea of making my own pasta, and truth be told, before now, I've never attempted it. But something inspired me one night to try ravioli: Spinach and cheese ravioli to be exact. It's a tough thing to do. The pasta is a pain to roll out if you don't have a pasta roller (which I don't!) So I spent my evening rolling, cutting and forming little ravioli just so I can say I tried to do it!

Other than a lot of work rolling out the pasta itself, I quite enjoyed the process. It was fun to stuff the shells, then press the sides. Since I made them the night before dinner, I simply froze them overnight on a baking sheet.
(I got to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze while making these! Maybe the green filling was inspired by the turtles themselves! They do sort of look like turtle shells...)

When they were ready to be eaten, boil them for a few minutes, then, VOILA! Easy, simple supper that is quite fun to make! I would love to try this with kids. I know they would get a kick out of it. Best of all, I cut the ravioli with cookie cutters, I wonder if I could have used fun shapes?

Anyway, served with some bruschetta salad using my bruschetta recipe, this was a fun meal to have with friends.

Filled with love! This needed more cheese! I loved them!

Filled with : Spinach, Ricotta cheese, Mozza Cheese, Basil Pesto, Salt and Pepper.

I wonder what other combos people have used?

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  1. Yum! I've always wanted to make my own ravioli. That ninja turtle picture cracks me up :) Love your blog!

  2. These look very impressive! The amount of rolling involved has always scared me off making my own pasta but really want to give it a try. I think I need a pasta roller, I read that they are super handy for rolling fondant too.

  3. you can make me these!!! <3
