Monday, August 30, 2010

Fall into the new School Year

The new school year started for us teachers today. Time to get ourselves in order. With every new year, I like to share a little treat with the various support staff who makes our jobs easier. Today, I baked these fall leaves and acorn cookies for the office staff!

I love vibrant colours! I think that is what I like most about the fall. If you were to ask me, Winter is my favorite season, but Fall is a close second. I remember all those years where my dad and I would go hiking through Sleeping Giant Provincial Park in the fall, and we would see all the colours. It was so beautiful! It still is, and it always makes me happy to see the leaves change.

Okay, I realize that it is not yet Fall, and that Summer is still in full swing (it is 32 C here), but I know that with the start of school, we must forget our love of sun and surf, and embrace the smell of death (of leaves and grass). I honestly just wanted to play with my cutters.

When I started the cookies, I had an idea of polka dots, but I wanted it to look a little more like a leaf, so I made two different types. I loved the fall colours of Orange, Yellow and Red, so the colours reflect that look.

Pardon this last blurry picture. I even gave some of the acorn cookies polka dots. OHHHH, Colorful!

So, I hope that all of you have a great first day back (whenever that is), and that you stay safe and kids, watch for traffic!

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  1. These are adorable. I am a polka dot fanatic. I never would have thought of incorporating polka dots into fall cookies. I am so making these!!

  2. I absolutely love fall! It is a close tie(to winter) for my favorite season! These cookies are awesome and make me even more excited for cooler weather!!!

  3. These are beautiful. It's so hot here it's hard to think of fall but your cookie pictures remind me.

    Plan B

  4. Those look too pretty to eat! Thanks for sharing ... I've posted a link.

  5. Oh woooooooow, your sugar cookies on this site are so beautifully decorated! Such talent!

  6. You did a beautiful job on these! You've really got the touch. I love them! I'd like to invite you to share these on Sweet Indulgences Sunday.

  7. Hopped over here from the TT&J Link Party. These are adorable! My preschooler's have been begging me to bring in cookies, and I think this would be so much fun for them! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. teri@thefreshmancook@hotmail.comSeptember 18, 2011 at 1:06 AM

    So very cute. The polka dots are truly inspired! I love them. I linked to you from Sweets for a Saturday! Thanks for a great post!

  9. Your talent is truly awesome. These are almost too pretty to eat. Thanks for linking up to Sweets for a Saturday.
