Sunday, February 6, 2011

Backyardigans Birthday Cake

It has been one heck of a week with this surprise cake! The surprise was in the timing - I wasn't given much notice :) But that was okay! I am super super excited by it, and how it turned out.

When first approached about this cake, my friend said she wanted something from the Backyardigans series. Her suggestion was something 3-d, and something with a soccer ball (from the Soccer Monster episode). I was like... you mean Paco, the penguin (no, it is Pablo). Shows what I know!

I think the real challenge was in the little figures, I mean, getting them to look right was hard! Especially the pink... lizard? Don't know what that thing is. I won't show a close-up because the head was way too narrow, but I think the others are fine.

Of course, putting it all together is the real surprise, even for me. After having each individual piece on my table drying, thinking, HOW IS THIS GOING TO WORK?! it was amazing to see it come together. I think I freaked out the most when I put the moose on... I mean, COME ON! Look how cute he is?! Totally my favourite part of the cake!

So Penny, what do you think! I hope you had a great party, and I hope your little Soccer Monster ended up cheering up a little.

Until next time, I've got a special project lined up!
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  1. That is amazing ... the characters all look perfect!

  2. Wowwwwwww, you did an incredible job. My little girl loves the Backyardigans, I can tell the little gumpaste figures are a lot of work. Great cake.

  3. Oh wow! Usually character cakes look a little funky, because they are not QUITE right, but you really nailed it! Just perfect! Looks just like him!

  4. Oh my gosh, I can't believe you did this. You are amazingly talented. Seriously, give yourself a big pat on the back for this one.

  5. Wow...GREAT job! My 3 year old would have loved this for his birthday. Pablo is his favorite.

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Stopping by to let you know that I'm showing you off over at Crafts & Sutch today! I hope you'll come by to take a look around and grab a SUTCH an Inspiration button from the sidebar.

    Have a great day!

  7. GET OUT OF HERE!!!! That's AMAZING!!!

    m ^..^

  8. this is so amazing!!!! please come link this to our party over here:

    Have a great weekend!

  9. What an amazing Cake- Well Done! My kids are freaking out because they were standing next to me when I pulled this up on my screen and demanded to know where I could get this cake for them, lol...Their 2 and 6 what can I say?

    Looks beautiful!

  10. My kids watch the Backardigans on Netflix all the time. This would be the perfect cake. I recently did a Tangled cake for my little girl back in February. It's on my blog.

  11. How nice birthday cake it was. Loved the details. For a birthday bash, cake is the main attraction, especially when it is the party for a kid. My little one wanted the rainbow themed party on his birthday. I threw the bash at the garden inspired event space NYC and hired the best cake designer and he truly did an awesome work.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. hey guys! great post acutally , but there is one thing i personally always do on any birthday! i decided to share it with you! so it is a good travel or journey by car , why by car ? because it is really comfortable , im pretty sure u will like it either! just get your car right here
