Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cookie Theater: ilomilo

Once Upon a time, there were two friends, one red and one blue, who lived on each side of the park.

The red friend’s name was ilo…

… and the blue friend’s name was milo.

Every morning they would meet by the tree in the middle of the park to drink apple tea and munch on maple leaf flavored biscuits.

At nights they would head back to their homes, to meet the next day.

But meeting in the morning was harder than one might think. Because every day, it seemed that someone rearranged the park and all its roads and trees.

Or maybe it was just ilo and milo’s memory that weren’t all that great. Anyway, as one can understand, this made ilo and milo’s friendship somewhat complicated…

(Story Script based (C) ilomilo game on xblg)

This game is so cute - PLAY IT! totally kid friendly!

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