Thursday, April 14, 2011

More Easter Cookies

There used to be a silly cartoon called "Bumb Bunnies" that some kids I looked after used to watch. The premise was that the bunnies were socially inept, they did not read social cues or even understand how to dress themselves properly. When I made these bunny cookies, that show came to mind. The simple look of the bunny, in comparison to other types of cookies or animals, gave me the impression that these bunnies did not know social cues (if that were even possible for a cookie).

But, I suppose that is what makes these cookies so adorable. First, you get the impression they are clueless, maybe they don't quite understand their place on the food chain. Then, it slowly becomes evident, as I continued to pipe away, that these particular bunnies were truly, not too bright...

I guess it goes to show you that something that is delicious does not need to be particularly smart, or good for you... or :: insert moral here ::

Instead, I figured that my Easter cookies this year should keep with the cute design rather than the classic. More chickies please! But there is an issue, which came first?

Okay, that's my rant for now. Happy Easter Everyone! I can't wait to see what you've all whipped up!

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  1. These cookies look so cute and delicious!

  2. Meghan, these are fantastic! Adorable! I LOVE it!

    Gosh, I have to squeeze in CUTE!

  3. what a talent my dear... these looks too good to eat!


  4. These look so cute and delicious!! Great job!
    I would love for you to link up at my first linky party! :)
    {nifty thrifty sunday}

  5. The details on the cookies are perfect & devine. You are one talented baker!
