Monday, April 25, 2011

Princess and Pirate Party

I hope everyone had a great little vacation. I know I did! I think it's been a week since I did any baking! I did do a lot of cooking, making Red-Pepper Squash soup, and Cinnamon Buns. Last week, I made cookies for a very special little girl named Piper. For her special birthday, she decided she wanted to be a princess, but the problem is that she is quite the tom-boy, and had a lot of boys (who are friends) attending. What to do? Well, as inspired by many Party Moms out there, her mom decided that the best way to approach the problem would be to amalgamate the boyish and girlish into one great party! Princess-Pirate Party ahoy!

On a whim, she had asked me if I would be willing to make some cookies-on-a-stick for the party bags. How could I say no, especially when she and her husband have been so kind as to invite me to watch UFC - Ultimate Fighter Championships - at their house on various occasions. (Yes, I actually got a taste of MMA - mixed martial arts - and have become a fan. It's like a dirty secret!)

The colours of the crowns are exactly similar to the party invites she had - safe for the heart being at the bottom rather than the middle. If you'll remember my last crown post, you'll remember that these cookies (the crowns at least) were made using a cottage cut out and I just sliced and diced to get the right shape. I like the unique shape, and owning one less cookie cutter is always a bonus in my home!

Now, wrap these babies up in a little cello and they are good as gold! A sweet and cheery way to enjoy a party's end.

Now, I have to go laugh my buns off while Tony Horton helps me to work out. For anyone who has ever done the P90X or the 10-Minute Solutions videos, you'll know what I mean. Lets just say, he was not that great of a comedian, but he's pretty.

Until Next Time!

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  1. They look awesome! I love the idea of having the princess and pirate together.

  2. These are amazing! What a great idea for a party theme. Visiting from Tatertots & Jello.

    - Jenn @ Social Salutations

  3. Hi, Meghan! I'm admiring all your creative posts here so can you please share them with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop? Hope to see you there at the party :)
