Sunday, May 1, 2011

Elections Canada: Vote for Cookies!

It's that time again for all Canadians. Tomorrow, May 2nd, 2011 we are going to the polls again. For those of you who have not yet voted, I urge you to get out and to vote. Generally, I do not get political or preachy on my blog, but I truly feel that this is an important part of a democratic society, especially considering the fact that many Arab nations right now are FIGHTING for this right.

To honor the tradition of voting, I made these cookies... after-which my husband pointed out I had left off the Green Party (Sorry Elizabeth May). I also did not include the Block (I'm in Ontario... so it never crossed my mind... sorry Gilles Duceppe. Also, independent... for those that wish to try to make a difference, I salute you too! No matter who you are voting for, just VOTE!

To encourage my friends to vote, I'm holding a voting dinner party tomorrow. The idea is we get together, eat, chat, have fun, go vote, then reconvene to see the results. I am super excited. Any excuse to have a party I guess.

To all you Canadians out there, we'll see you at the polls!
Okay, next up, the Dorothy Cookie Tutorial!

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1 comment:

  1. Very cute cookies! In my parent's house though, I can see these cookies starting quite the argument ;)
