Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baby Duck Shower Cake

Well, I'm still alive. One more day of work for me and I'm out for the summer. Hurrah!

This time of year is the most busy. Not only am I calculating tests, writing reports and cleaning house, but I am also baking for all my students and co-workers. What a lot of cake I've made! My most ambitious project, a cake in the shape of the school I work at (which had to travel one hour down a dirt road in order to arrive) was non-photographed by me as I forgot my camera going out the door. Sill waiting on those photos... :( The other project I did was this cake here:

One of my coworkers recently had a baby boy. To celebrate the end of the year, and her darling bundle of joy, this small cake is making an appearance at the baby shower.... it too must travel an hour, so I am taking photos before I leave! Hopefully it will arrive in this condition later!

It had to be something simple. Honestly, there is nothing more awful to me than a 'baby cake'. I mean, just take a look at the best example from Cake Wrecks (LOVE!). Great cake, creepy idea. I can't imagine what would go through a mother's head when they asked for that cake. "Oh, Mrs. Sugar, could you please design me a cake in the likeness of my baby. It would be ever so wonderful to cut it up with a sharp knife... like practice... for.... " You can just guess that my jaw would be on the ground. Luckily, this particular parent does not know I'm bringing the cake, so no baby-cakes for me!

It is far better to see a nice cuddly fluffy baby duckling snuggling mommie than to have a knife cutting into a baby's behind, body, or even the mommie's big belly. All those cakes look great, but for some reason, give me the willies! What an awful idea. Well... now that it is late, and I am sufficiently ranted-emptied, I am off to bed. I have more cakes to show in the coming days... Hopefully somewhere in here I will be able to sleep... or nap... or just close my eyes for a minute or two.
Sleep well!

Oh, I forgot... this is an edit. I'm trying out a Facebook page. I've never owned an account, but I'm giving it a shot: Tell me what you think, or even, how this FootBook stuff works.

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  1. What a cute cake, so "fresh & clean" looking. I put a smile on my face! :)

  2. These is adorable. The bubbles/foam looks so realistic.

  3. Very, very cute!

  4. I wish I had a portion of your talent! This looks so realistic!!! Fantastic! I've linked over from the WhipperBerry Friday Flair where I've linked up too, I'd love it if you'd pop on over.
    Hugs, antonella :-)

  5. This is just toooo toooo Adorable!! What a great job!

    Come see me at

  6. That's just really cute-love it:@)

  7. So adorable! It makes me smile just looking at it!!

  8. This is such a cute cake!

  9. Great idea! So cute, I love your little duckies :-) The soap bubbles are awesome!

  10. This is just adorable! I am now your newest follower, I hope you will follow me too! IO look forward to reading your future blog posts :)

  11. popping in from lamb around, had to stop over and see this adorable cake! Your awesome girl! Love it. Your newest follower too. Love to have you stop over at

    Hugs, Kim
