Thursday, June 16, 2011

Grad Party Hats and Cuppies


Okay, so most people would call party hats something a little different. But when I look at a Grad Cap, I think of huge parties for a successful completion of a major part of your life where you grow into an adult or if you are already an adult you celebrate the job possibilities which open before your eyes... breath!

These caps and cuppies go to celebrate the achievement of someone whom I am very proud of. It has been a difficult time in their life, and this marks the beginning of a new chapter and a new future!

For these cuppies, I tried a new design idea. I went with swirly icing highlighted blue (to mark the colours of the school). The wrappers are supposed to be those designer ones you see made by expensive companies, but they bled... so they look a little less expensive.

The party hats (yes, I'm going to call them that) are boring, but are symbolically necessary.

The only problem is the humidity. You cannot complain at this time of year about the heat, but it does play troubles with the cookies. Too bad too!

I'm sure my pointing out the problem is unnecessary. Many of us cookiers have discussed the problem... it's just a pain!

Okay, movie time!

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  1. Very nice, I really like the design on the cupcakes!!

  2. Yum! This looks great! Thanks for linking up to Savory Sunday!!
