Sunday, July 3, 2011

Vacation Cookies

Okay, so I have just come back from an awesome vacation! Super awesome in fact. The thing is, I baked cookies for my family, thinking I'd be able to get some photos of my niece and nephew eating them (they are adorable!), but the problem is that the cookies were so good (to them at least) that they ate them all before I could snap a photo! Generally speaking, this would be a bad thing for food blogging, but I did snap a few pics before I left, so I did get a photo of each cookie, they are just not very interesting photos (they were backups just in case). Good thing too!

This one came out glossy (on top) so I have a similar picture with less gloss so you can see the "RAWR" which the kids love!

The design is originally from the talented and awesome SugarBelle, but I couldn't find the post... I just remember the design. Anyway, I decided it was perfect for the two wonderful peanuts I love (and my mom too!).

I had the most amazing weekend (Canoeing on Lake Superior in a thunderstorm!, Swimming with Hubbie, Swimming with family, Playing at the park with peanuts, shopping). I hope you all have a great 4th of July, (or like me, had a great Canada Day!)

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  1. I happen to know first hand that these cookies are not only adorable but delicious! I think that someone has a birthday coming up on the 29th and more cookies may be in order!

  2. Oh you're so lucky, Its nice to hear you had a lovely vacation. The cookies are so cute!! no wonder they got gobbled up.

  3. These are so cute and what a cool take on this cookie cutter!!
