Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Perfect Summer Pie: Peach Blackberry (Recipe)

Happy summer tidings to you all!

I've been enjoying daily swimming, canoeing and baking. Hopefully you all get the same types of summer loving, enjoying all the best (and keeping safe).

This week, before I head off on my week-long canoe trip, I decided to blend summer flavors into a pie. When I think summer, I think stawberries, peaches, and blueberries. Since Peach is a nice fruit, and is a little different from the traditional pie flavor, I whipped up a delicious Peach-Blackberry pie. It is tangy, sweet, and deeeelicious!

Here's what you do:

Skin 6-8 peaches (medium sized, some overripe are okay). Cut into slices. Mix with blackberries (I used frozen BBerries today because we didn't have fresh). Place into a pot over medium heat.

Add in 3/4-1c sugar (depending on how sweet you like it). Add 1 tbsp ginger, 1 tsp coriander (LOVE IT!), and 1 tsp cinnamon. Stir. In a separate cup, measure 1/3 c water with 3 tbsp cornstarch... when it mixes, add to peach mix.

Once the whole thing bubbles, and the 'sauce' is clear-ish, strain some of the fluid (great on ice cream or yoghurt) place remaining fruit and sauce in an uncooked pie crust. Decorate the top as you wish...

Bake pie @ 400 degrees for 11 minutes (or until crust is light brown and flaky). Cool to room temperature. Serve with Ice Cream! (CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA! OR BOTH!)

Full recipe: Summery Peach-Blackberry Pie

6-8 medium peaches, skinned and cored, sliced in wedges.
1 c blackberries
3/4-1 c sugar (depends on your personal tastes... I like less, but it is more tart)
3 tbsp corn starch
1/3 c water
1 tbsp ginger
1 tsp coriander
1 tsp cinnamon

Uncooked Pie Crust (or use my recipe).

Mix peach slices, blackberries, ginger, coriander, sugar and cinnamon in a pot. Heat over medium heat. As that heats, mix the corn starch and water (until dissolved), add to peach mix. Allow the mix to bubble, stirring constantly. Once the mix liquid looks clear, it should be done.

Strain some of the fluid (there will be lots). I take out about a cup of it and leave the rest as the pie fruit is exceptionally wet. Place the remaining fruit and some 'sauce' into the crust. Bake the unbaked crust and pie mix at 400 degrees for 11 minutes, or until the pie is browned on the sides/top. ENJOY!



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  1. Happy to hear you are enjoying your summer! You pie looks absolutely delicious..I am a total sucker for fresh fruit pies..MMMmmm!

  2. That not only looks absolutely delicious, but beautiful as well.

    It takes me back to the time when my mom made cherry and apple pies from our trees - many, many years ago.

    Thanks so much!

  3. I love blackberries with peaches. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Pie is one of my favorite desserts to bake! Yours is so pretty with the heart cut-outs! It looks yummy too. I will be making a peach pie soon.
