Sunday, January 29, 2012

I love you a Latte

While these cookies were originally for a sick friend (one whom enjoys going for lattes with me), I couldn't help put think the theme was a little reminiscent of Valentine's day, which is quickly approaching.

The title: "I love you a Latte" is another one of those dorky things Hubbie and I say to one another. The response to the comment is always "I love you amore" which I guess drives home the fact that I am completely dorky in every aspect, and I am officially "ONE OF THOSE MARRIED PEOPLE." YUCK!

Anyway, the theme was of hope. Of course, beautiful monarchs and lattes seems a strange choice for hope, but friendships, like any type of love, are formed through a gathering. To be metaphorical, the Latte cookies symbolize a gathering, as coffee trips are wont to do, and the butterflies symbolize overcoming, rising above (in this case, sickess). Seeing as my friend is neither wanting or ready for metaphors, I figure posting here might explain my dorky choice.

Oh look... there's another ENGLISH MAJOR... with her useless degree flaunting bad spelling mistakes and internet journaling. Isn't she special. (-___-);

Back to cookies. This design is perfect in my opinion for Valentine's day as well. The Latte cup is not a cookie cutter I own, but a hybrid: CUPCAKE cutter with SQUARE cutter on the bottom = LATTE CUP cutter. HURRAY! I think finding new uses for old cutters makes my budget a little happier. Why not find another use?

And what about these butterflies? This is my absolute favorite 'pretty' cutter. Even the normal cutter looks nice. I got it online, and have used it many times. This time, I used it for the monarch butterfly: Outline the black and fill it in!

I actually think the colours of the Monarch are absolutely stunning! I also love the Monarch's story... how it flies to South America every winter, and only it's children will return. How does it know to do that?! What sort of amazing evolutionary mechanism tells it to do that... I still can't train my husband to make coffee. "THANK YOU!"

Mine is better anyway (╤ ╤)♥

So, here's to pretty cookies, friendship and love. Hopefully I will have some more classy analysis to blither about.
Until then!

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  1. this is cool!!! Love the cookies

  2. Great cookies. I love how you used 2 different ones to make the latte. Enjoyed reading your post too :)

  3. These are gorgeous.. almost too pretty to eat! Love them. I am your newest follower and I hope you will share with my Pink Hippo party @

  4. Your latte cupes are SOOOO cute!! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a GREAT weekend,
    Beth =-)

  5. Absolutely amazing! Your cookies are beautiful! I host a weekly meme called Thematic Thursday. Each week has a theme and this would be perfect for this week's Valentine's theme.

  6. These are just awesome I am back to say thank you for linking up at my tea party!

  7. So awesome!!! thanks so much for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday.


  8. Amazing work. Your cookie are detailed and colorful. Love them so much!

  9. Just letting you know that I've featured this on Sharing Saturday this week. You can check it out and grab a button.


  10. Love these, they are so cute and beautiful! Great job!

  11. so beautiful!!Thanks for sharing...

  12. Thanks a latte friend!! Cheered me up for days...
