Friday, February 3, 2012

Tea Time!

One of my coworkers is having her two granddaughters over for a tea party (HOW SWEET!) and asked me to make some tea-party themed cookies.

When I think of tea party, I think dainties, flowery teacups and the 1900s. Now.. those were the days (I should know, I was there)! Back in my day, people sipped their tea, not slurped, and had great gossipy stories.

Well, maybe I am a little less old than I am claiming, and maybe I've never liked tea.. ever! But I do have a fond memory of the ladies who used to live down from my parent's house. We called them the "Sweet Williams Ladies" because of the vast and beautiful garden which had Sweet Williams flowers (They were actually mother and daughter). I used to get invited to their house to dance and have tea. The eldest lady had a wonderful tea set, pink roses and polka-dots. She had MANY teacups. I think that's where I first fell in love with teacups! The set looked like:

Now, even though I was too young for tea, they used to put milk in a teacup for me. It was wonderful! We would sit at the table, this lady who was probably around 70 at the time, and myself, who was maybe 7? and sip our drinks, looking out onto the garden. After tea, the eldest would play her organ, and the youngest and I would dance.

Tea has special meaning to me, even though I still gag at the taste.
Wasn't that a great way to end that story?

Anyway, I thought I'd share that memory. These cookies will hopefully be enjoyed with the same sold of bliss that I experienced!

Now, just as a heads up to all the Fort Frances peoples. Confederation College in town has decided they want to have a cake decorating class, and have asked me to be the instructor! SQUEE! If you are interested, you can call the college at 807-274-5395 to put your name on the list. I will have more information once the course is ironed out.
This one looks like a creative cupcake class.

I'm super excited about it!

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  1. I may just sit here in awe for like days and days and CRY that I can not have you over for tea to celebrate your amazing talent. I am a TEA PARTY lover YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!! I just DIED when I saw these......LOVE!

  2. Love Love love your tea cookies. Very pretty too. Pat

  3. I am in love with the teacup and teapot cookies! So beautiful!

  4. WOW! You are AWESOME! I just had a tea party with my sisters a few weeks ago and these would have been the perfect additions :) Thank you so much for sharing at Taking A Timeout Thursday!

  5. how fun! I used to think tea would be so yummy, and I cannot stand it either
