Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cupcake Course 2012

Hurray for Cupcakes!

The first ever Fort Frances Cupcake Course ended on a high. Most likely a sugar high! Participants decorated, mixed, piped, modeled, and ate their way through the 190 cupcakes I baked the day before. It was a absolutely amazing experience. And I thank everyone who participated for your patience and encouragements.

Here are some highlights from the course:

A Happy participant holds their beautiful cupcake creation. What an amazing rose!

Above: A bunch of creative cupcakes piped and decorated. Great experimentation!
Above: One participant was a little hungry, but not for sweets.

Cuppy-bears take shape!

Busily working to make various cupcake creations during experimentation time. 

Two participants show off their creations.


A Class Photo of cupcakes which represent the various members. 

This summer the College is planning a youth camp, and a Cake course for the fall. I have been super lucky to have been a part of this, and thank all participants for their feedback. The next course is going to be even more crazy! 

Hope to see you there!

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  1. Looks like fun! Love the cupcakes!

  2. Love your creativity and your making me hungry! Making Cupcakes for my Daughter 1st birthday in 3 weeks...I will be back for tips!Your newest follower via the Blog Hop party!
