Sunday, April 15, 2012

Springtime Flowers with April Showers

One of the things I still struggle with as a baker/blogger is photography. Photoshop is my friend. When my 5 year old camera takes bad photos, or when the light is off, or things look shady, I like to know that I can plug my pictures into Photoshop to make them just right!
Take the cookies I made this weekend:

With the rainy weather, and the ugly damp, I stayed in most of the week. With nothing better to do, I decided to make some cookies. You've maybe noticed that I've been in a cookie funk. I have been making many cakes, but the last time I made a decorated cookie was, Oh right, just before my anniversary, so mid February.  That is a long time to have waited to make cookies. I decided to make up my own reality, whereby the rain from outside instantly cleared up and the flower started to bloom!

My reality also had random pigs. I don't know... I just wanted to use the cutter.

Back to my original comment about Photoshop. Take this photo for example:

The original photo was grainy, yellow, and off. While the final product is less than perfect, it is at least useable, especially considering some of the cookies have already been eaten by Hubbie.

I played with the contrast, sharpened, enhance, enhance, enhance, enhance, ZOOM, enhance, enhance, enhance, enhance, "Meet me at the club tonight, it all goes down, XOXO VB". Stupid reference, Okay, but Photoshop does help.

So, now I'm hoping that the rain will clear, we won't get the forecasted snow, and I will be able to continue to wish for summer and swimming. The only consolation in this is that I saw my first Dandelion this week... They are my absolute favorite flower. I love how happy they are!

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  1. Those little piggies are to die for, so cute. The flowers are just perfect fro Spring.

  2. WOW! How gorgeous are these! I love the pigs too.

  3. great work, and at least you can use photo shop, I have no clue and don't even want to try. I just admit my pictures are bad LOL.

  4. Oh my goodness, they are a masterpiece! Awesome pics!

    Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill

  5. These cookies are soooooo beautiful !!
    You are very creative and I admire that a lot

  6. Very cute pigs!
    I don't have another way to contact you, but I wanted to let you know that I linked your blog in my tasty blogs post on my blog! You make wonderful and tasty looking creations, I wanted to share with the folks that read my blog. :)

  7. Those are amazing! I'm throwing a "garden party" for my daughter's 4yo b'day party at the end of May and those would be so cute! I wish I had your skill with icing!

  8. These cookies are beautiful! Congratulations! Marion, from the blog Criações em família & cia.
