Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Abby!

This weekend, my niece, Abby, turned 3. She's the one who likes cupcakes and cakepops... Silly little elfish smile!

Since I'm stuck in Fort Frances, and could not make it to her party, I sent a little care package her way. Inside, BIRTHDAY COOKIES!

COOKIES OF COURSE! I made little birthday cake cookie (actually, it's a 5" cutter, so they were rather large for a 3 year old). I was so excited to get these done. I've honestly not used this cutter before, and was happy with the results. Most people see the same sort of lopsidedness that I got. Hard to get them perfectly straight.

Again, another blurry image, but I send the cookies before I had a chance to take too many. I actually placed purple sanding sugar between the tiers. The effect was nice. I left the bows and numbers un-sanded. I found that the sugar would stick to the cookie.


In the end, I shipped them off, and they arrived just in time for the party. Here's hoping they send some pictures my way.

Now... On an unrelated note:

I added a new little button on the side (It says "Keep Calm and eat a Cookie"). It all started when I got a present from a friend. It was a bookmark that said "Keep calm and have a Cupcake." Which is Brilliant! I loved it so much I framed it! The problem, of course, is that I also love cookies and bake them more often. I thought it would be best for this blog to have some kind of image to reflect that... but when I did a search, I found nothing... nothing about eating cookies!

Google searches revealed little quotes like Keep Calm and:

- Carry On (Original Line)
- Snap On (Camera)
- Rock On
- Blog On (works for me♥)
- Pump On (shoes that is)
- Drink (with a coffee cup)
- Drink a Latte (better than the one above)



Only one site boasted the tag line I was looking for: Gumdrop Cookie Shop had a cookie with a little printed image on it that said "Keep Calm and Eat a Cookie".

So, I did a little work of my own, and created the image:

I've created a new page to link those people who wish to use this image. The image code and link information can be found here:

Keep Calm and Have a Cookie Group

Feel free to stop by and adopt the banner or a cookie!

post signature


  1. Cute banner and cookies! How thoughtful of you to send them along :)

  2. How sweet of you to send the cookies. There are several special days a year in my family that wouldn't be the same without my cookies. I'm sure you made her day special.

    Plan B

  3. Meghan, Abby and everyone else loved the cookies. She was so excited to get mail, and that her mail was special cookies just made her day!!! There is one left and I will try to take a picture of her eating it...They are so good, it may be eaten before the camera goes "click".
