Thursday, December 1, 2011

Homemade Mint Patties 2011

I love this recipe. Yes, it has been described as delicious diabetes, but there is something magical about how they melt in your mouth, and how that delicious mint flavor is beautifully coloured! Honestly, of all the things I make at Christmas, this one has to be my weakness!


This year, I was asked to make these treats as a tutorial for our local newspaper. While the issue has yet to come out, I just could not stand but to post them up. Since the majority of my readers actually live outside of my small town, I figured a sneak-peak was in order. The newspaper found me through the blog some years back and did a little article on me. They saw the tutorial I made last year for this and decided to ask if I would not do one for them. Since my focus has been on photography, I am trying to make my shots a little more interesting. I also added more colour to my mints by adding a third layer (red, white and green).

Now, I had put up my tree on the weekend, but I've been dragging my heels on taking photos. I am missing some of my ornaments, and really want to wait until I have them up.

To me. the tree is the most exciting part of Chirtmas. Everyone has their traditions. For hubbie and I, the traditions for us are putting up the tree star together (me decorating because everyone knows that wives have some magical tree-decorating powers), taking a photo of me sleeping under the tree (It always happens after the tree goes up! I can't help myself, the ligthts are so twinkly), and having X-Mas Eve breakfast together (because The EVE is the best part of the season). SO far, we've hit two out of the three traditions... It did not take long before a lazy and sick wife found her way under a tree. Either way, I welcome the traditions. As I move through my life, I find myself making more and more of them. And the funny thing is that I look forward to the silly little things.

Looking back at my life, I find there are many things I wish I could change growing up. The truth is, looking at where I am now gives me perspective; I'm a lot further in my life than I thought. Seeing my tree, and looking at my house, I feel blessed to have come this far, especially knowing there were two times when I was not sure I'd make it. My treasured traditions will go on, and so will I. I guess at this time of the year, I am reflective. I apologize. I just really feel happy looking at my tree - which I will post!

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1 comment:

  1. Those patties are so great. It is nice to have traditions and its a great time of year to reflect.
