Monday, December 12, 2011

A very Sweet Christmas (With Recipes)

Happy Christmas all!

I can finally take a breather, all my Christmas baking is finally complete. Three days of solid baking made me so very sleepy, but the responses are always worth it.

What did I bake? From Left to Right:

1. (Not pictured) Caramel Butter Bars
2. Spicy Gingerbread
3. Chocolate Crinkles
4. Snickerdoodles
5. Baileys Cake Balls
6. Turtles
7. Peppermint Patties
9. Scottish Shortbread
10. (Not Pictured - see below) Gluten Free fudge Cookies

Over the next couple of days I'd like to get my recipes up so you can enjoy them. Please be patient with me for the time being. I'll try to get one up every couple of days.

Some of the articles are missing because a lazy-bum decided to take a picture before they were boxed up. If you scroll down, you'll see the Gluten Free cookies.

Making gift-baking-boxes is the most wonderful thing, and the most stressful. I love baking delicious treats, but find that three days of baking straight is totally exhausting. Yesterday, I was practically a zombie (which those who know me will think is awesome) trying to get everything packaged and ready for delivery. Today, I played Santa with my wonderful Blue Recycle bag delivering boxes of treats to all my close friends. I believe that between the 25 small boxes and the two large, I baked somewhere between 20-30 dozen cookies. I kept telling myself that I was totally running low on baked goodies, and that I needed more. That was a joke! I have tones of leftovers.

The best part of baking this year was making something new. This recipe I found on Pinterest: Gluten-Free Chocolate Fudge Cookies (also pictured in the box are the Peppermint Patties, which are also gluten-free).

This is a recipe I just had to Share! Even though they are gluten free, they are more like Brownie Cookies, very chewy and sweet.

Flourless Chocolate Cookies

Originally posted from Chocolate and Carrots

3 c Powdered Sugar (Beware of additives in this! Cornstarch is okay)
2/3c dark cocoa powder (unsweetened)
1/8 tsp salt
2 to 4 large egg whites
1 tbsp vanilla
1c chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 325 degrees

1. Line two baking sheets with parchment, and spray parchment with non-stick coating (this is necessary)

2. In a large bowl, mix powdered sugar and cocoa. Whisk in vanilla, salt and egg-whites, starting with just two, you can add more if necessary.
IMPORTANT: The batter should be just moist, and thick like brownie batter. It should not flow like water, but should be thick but a little runny. If it is not this way, add another egg white or two if necessary.

3. Add in chocolate Chips. Stir, and use a teaspoon to place batter on the cookie sheet. Space them well, as they spread.

Bake 9-12 minutes, remove and let cool completely. (Yield 30 cookies).

THESE ARE AMAZING. Seriously, you do not need to have a gluten problem to enjoy them.

Now, here's my favorite part. I promised a while back that I would post up a picture of my tree. It is finally done. I had to pick up some new bulbs and a few extra flowers to fill it in, but I finally feel comfortable showing it off.

Here's wishing you all the very best of the season. It may seem trivial, but it gives me great joy to know that this blog has people who read it; to me, the greatest gift is your patronage. Thank you all so much for making Domestic Sugar what it is.


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  1. I miss you so much hunnie, especially seeing all those yummy cookies. You should see my belly, hehe it's igetting so big, but I am still cute!
    xoxo Merry Christmas to you and your hubby!

  2. Yum! Everything you baked looks so good!!

  3. Yummy! All those treats look so beautiful! I would love for you to join my linky, Crazy Sweet Tuesday, sometime! The link runs through Friday. :)
