Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pink wedding!

I loved the setup for this wedding. Pink and Fuchsia were the colours, and boy did they fit the bride and groom! The spread included on two tier cake (with Polka-dots), one Ice-creme cone cake, and one gluten-free orange-almond cake. I was super happy to pull myself out of my baking funk, and to get to work on a real project!

The cake included small sugar flowers and sugar butterflies! I loved the cake flavors she choose. The top tier is Chocolate, the bottom, Lemon.... In the other cake, almond and then strawberry. FUN! I love the not-so-basic flavors!

The whole room was decorated in pink bows and white tulle. I loved the bride. Her bubbly personality and cute babushka to hide her hair from her husband was just adorable!

So, I now have two tutorials to post as a result! I guess you'll have to check back later to see what they will be :)

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Pink Little Cake said...

So cute!!! I love the butterflies.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Very pretty and sweet. Visiting from Pink Saturday.

Wedding Anniversary Pink, your comment will mean so much!

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Adorable - I bet this was a fun couple to make a wedding cake for.

Momgen said...

Wow that is one cute cake...happy weekend and my pink Saturday is up.

You can visit here

cassandrasminicorner said...

Such a pretty cake and those butterflies are just adding more beauty to the cake, yum!

Visiting from Pink Saturday- hope you can stop by..


Unknown said...

so cute.

Malory {Snips & Spice} said...

This came out really pretty! Thanks for sharing at Snips and Spice Sunday Slice.

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