Saturday, January 1, 2011

Slice of Cake Cake, Polar Plunge.. AND MY BIRTHDAY!

Okay, so my hubbie says it is shameful to make your own birthday cake... as if it were a benchmark to have someone do it for you. Am I pathetic? I didn't think so, I was simply excited about this great cake design I saw at Butter Hearts Sugar and wanted to play too! Either way, my birthday has never been a great spectacle. So, :: raspberry :: to him!

This cake is an double chocolate cake with vanilla butter cream icing. The strawberries, tag, candle and flowers are all made out of gumpaste. I bought this really nice set of tools for gumpaste and really wanted to play. Unfortunetly, I did not buy any cakeboards and had nothing that was the proper size to put the cake on. Being January 1st, you can tell that there would be little to do but substitute!

Shiny Strawberries

Cute candle and centrepiece. Brushing the gumpaste makes it so shiny!

And a little :( at my hubbie's request. I'm not acutally sad. I just thought it was ironic - an un-smily face. It came out quite well. Since my b-day is not until tomorrow, I'll have to get back to you on the cut and how it tastes! I am guessing yummie since I was pigging down the batter.



This was a great year. The team (those who could make it) had a blast cheering on the crowd and getting wet. The temperature this year was -15 C, and had some strong gusty winds (-20 C with the windchill).



Missing from the above photo is Kelly, sorry Kelly! Also, sorry to Liz for covering her small head with my big head. Serves you all right for giving me bunny ears in the other pictures :)

This being my third year with the Plunge, I wanted to do something unique and fun. Last year I went in the hole twice, and did a handstand underwater (lots of sand in my ears). This year, as a joke I daintily dipped my toe into the water, then daintily jumped in (above), then floated in the water for about 15 seconds before getting out.

I mean, IT WAS COLD! But I get a laugh out of performance. All in told, about 100 people are on a dock facing the hole watching jumpers (my hubbie is the one who snapped this photo). People come for a show! Some jumpers dress up, some call cheers or sing songs. It's a good time for everyone!

Happy New Year all! And thank you for reading my ramblings!

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Linda McCubbin said...

I could never be sad if I had a birthday cake like that whether I made it myself or not, although plunging in that water might test me. Looks cold, brrrrrrr!

Nourhan @ Miss Anthropist's Kitchen said...

I just discovered your blog and am LOVING it so far! Such adorable things! Don't be ashamed, I think I want to make my own birthday cake as well this year :)

GarEli said...

Y BUEN 2011

Butter Hearts Sugar said...

Your cake looks great! Happy Birthday! I wanted to make myself a cake for my last Birthday, but I didn't get to because it was the day before I went overseas. My boyfriend laughed at me too. Oh my gosh that water looks cold, fun though!

Erin said...

That is the cutest darn cake EVER!!! And brrrrrr!

Christine said...

That cake looks amazing! Great are crazy for jumping in the water!

idesign said...

cute cake you crazy person!!! ahhh!!!

Kitty Deschanel said...

Brrrrr! You are one crazy gal! ;)