Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sugar Flowers!

Back from vacation #2! Now I can stay at home and not worry about anything.
You would truly think that vacations are easy and care-free, but you are WRONG! I hate being away from home for long periods of time... it drives me nuts. So, you can imagine that day 3 of being home (day one and two dedicated to laundry cleaning up the house), I would jump right into baking. Hubbie complained that he had no sweets (or food in the house at all for that matter... grocery shopping is number four on my list), and that I should get right to work creating something delicious. So, I whipped up some cake and decided to play with sugar flowers!

Here's the resulting Hubbie-Cake:

This was a late-night version of a brush embroidery on cake. It can be done with buttercream! HURRAY!

The sugar flowers themselves are ruffled Anemone flowers. I tried to pick fun and bright colors to off-set the black/white cake. Pink, orange, white and yellow with green leaves just looked so pretty.

A butterfly that was hand-painted!

Now, the cross-section of the cake. I love showing the cut cake whenever possible. Most people forget to show the insides... I think it's the most interesting part. Like a surprise. I find myself asking of others...
Rainbow? Strawberry? Chocolate? Vanilla? Marble?

So, what type is my cake?

Vanilla-almond sandwiched between Marble cake with Chocolate buttercream filling. YUM!

My whole plot for this post was actually to do a tutorial on how to make the sugar anemone. I had a post a while back about a black/white cake with a beautiful anemone on top where people asked for tutorials... I forgot to take good pictures *\(°˛° )/* . Since I don't work with a lot of fancy tools (you do need gumpaste tools though), my flowers are super easy!

Anywhoo, to post it I have to shrink and crop some photos... that takes a long time.
Come back in a couple of days to see what it all looks like.


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Pink Little Cake said...

I do not like to be away from home for too long also. The cake and flowers turn out great, I love the pastel colors with the black details of the cake.

Christina said...

Looks Amazing!

Janet said...

This is so beautiful!!! FANTASTIC JOB!

Janet said...
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Jenn said...

I love this cake. The flowers are amazing.

Linda McCubbin said...

This is lovely. I especially love the cut shot showing the marble middle.

cookies and cups said...

What a gorgeous cake!!

Kate said...

This is gorgeous!! I love the flower tutorials. The step by step is really helpful. - Kate

marda@ said...

I love your cake, would you mind feature to my blog

Thank you

Trisha said...

I love your sugar flowers. This is my first time visiting u'r blog from Sweets for a Saturday, but definitely won't be my last. I can't wait to see the rest of your work.