The best part was my husband's reaction. He loved how they looked and snickered at how the eyes seemed to stare at you. Then we started walking around the house saying "Owl-always love you" and "Owl do the dishes for you" etc. At this point, we devolved into sugary-cute married people. Lame as it was, the Owl Cookie seemed to really be a catalyst for silly love banter ♥.
At the fry, the cookies were a huge it. So, I was pleasantly please. I like it when people pick them off a table as the dessert that most appeals to them. It makes me feel special. Some people ask if I get sad, seeing a cookie or cake get eaten after you've worked for so many hours to make it beautiful and perfect. The answer is, I do not; when people enjoy the work of art by eating and enjoying it, I get a special feeling: Pride!
The Owl is watching you!
The owls are so cute! They look perfect!
Oh these are so darling! I am such a sucker for owls!
I LOVE OWLS!! And these, are adorable. I was wondering too, if you got sad when guests ate them - and then you answered. : ) I always wonder how cake decorators can do it too. I can't imagine my work getting eaten! lol. At you get good photos though. : )
How cute,how cute,how cute!
Cute blog here! And I LOVE the owl cookies! I'd like to invite you to link up at my Friday Favorites party!
These are soooo adorable!! I have really got to try my hand at making some of these!!!
Those eyes are so cute! I love how big and innocent they look.
I am crazy about anything "owl". I've "pinned" this post to my crafty owl board. Hopefully that will help spread the word about these preciously cute cookies!
Your newest follower,
Rikka J.
Ricochet and Away!
These owl cookies are SO cute!
Yum yum yum and so adorable!
Please feel free to link up your awesome owl cookies to my Make Yourself Monday Blog Hop! I'd love to have you!! :o)
For Love of Cupcakes
Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites! I'm featuring you this week. Come by and grab my featured button if you'd like one.
Your owl cookies are amazing. I want to pin them. I would love for you to link up at Bacon Time fri-mon
Thank you for linking up your owl cookies but you are a day early and linked up in the ongoing give away linky. I am going to delete it but please come back friday morning and share.
and did i just see a pig cookie on here, need to check that out.
Oh they are adorable!! I love owls .
So cute! Owls are my fav, I will have to make these cuties! :)
I love love love these! They are soooo cute! Great work! {and they do look like they're watching} I am hosting a Fall Snack Challenge right now, and I would be so excited for you to link these cuties up so my readers can see and be inspired too.
so super cute...Hoot!!
Thanks for sharing at Bacon Time, I am going to feature these cookies on Thursday afternoon too!
These are adorable and wonder to watch. Those eyes are so cute! How big and innocent they look. Those eyes are so cute! How big and innocent they look.
Adorable cookies, I'm sure everyone loved them:@)
These are SO very cute! You did a great job. Your site is super cute (following now)! 'Owl' look forward to looking around it more (sorry couldn't resist) :). I also think the little kitty icon is adorable.
You are incredibly talented (I wish I was half as talented!). These owl cookies are absolutely adorable!
What cute little owls! You are so creative!
Quilting by the River
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