Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Something Evil this way Comes!


Because of the influx of emails asking me which recipe I used to make these cookies, I am posting a like to my sugar Cookie Recipe HERE!

Okay, back to the post:


Tomorrow for school, I get my first crack at dress-up; the kindergarten kids who only come on Tuesdays and Thursdays are having their party. I guess I need to get a makeup-check before the big day!
The ghoulies are already stealing my cookies. No, that is not my hand all yuckie with dirt.

Actually, those digits belong to the time-honored traditional Halloween baking known as:

Witchy fingers!

I've always loved the way these simple cookies make Halloween tables look. Honestly, all lined up, or piled into a jar, they look absolutely creepy! That is why I was so excited to make them!

They are the simplest cookie too. Simply roll out some sugar-cookie dough into a thin line (and hes, mine are a little thick, make your cookies thin because they spread), apply an almond shard, score the knuckles, then bake as directed.

I like to brush mine with a little cocoa-powder after baking (with a paint brush) to make the hands look dirty and contrast-like.

Honestly, this is a no-fail treat (unless there are allergies involved). I've got a super awesome treat lined up for Halloween, and it's time to start the pre-baking. It will be awesome. I can't wait!
See you all in a few days!


A lot of people have asked 'how did I do this.' The directions are true, and should be right, but if you have certain problems, look below. I will try to add answers as they are asked.

My cookies are flatter than yours: My answer to you is to be cautious of your butter to flour ratio. Oftentimes, doughs react differently at different humidities or temperatures. If you find your dough spreads a little too much, try adding a little flour to the mix before you put in the next batch. I always do a 'test batch' when baking cookies, so I know how they are going to spread.

How thin and long should I roll the dough: As for the thinness of the dough.. I rolled the dough to 3/4 of the width my own fingers, about a bit longer than a real finger. The cookies should spread but stay plump. The bottoms WILL be flat, but the edges are rounded.

Would cinnamon look good in the knuckles?: I would assume Cinnamon work, but a word of caution: Cinnamon is dry! It would be far easier to add more cinnamon to the cookie dough itself before baking than to brush enough cinnamon to make the shaded look. I would still recommend sticking to cocoa, but add more cinnamon in the dough. :)

I used Store-bought dough, and it didn't work. HELP!: I say add more flour. The dough is made to spread and thin... As attested by another baker, it works:
Michelle Junker adds: I used store bought cookie dough today, knowing I had to add flour, I ended up adding 3/4-1 C. of flour and they turned out perfect. Made them extra thin and then made boney knuckles. I also used whole almonds that I cut in half. Very happy with the results! Thanks!

I hope this helps.

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Unknown said...

These are the most realistic ones I have seen. My first reaction was 'ewww' then 'wheew'. Awesome :)

paddle attachment said... creepy! These fingers definitely bring the evil to the party. Cool!

Butter Hearts Sugar said...

I was going to say the exact same thing as Heather, these are so realistic and so so creepy.

Cheryl said...

These are sooooooo amazing! You are totally talented! Wow!

A Mother and A Daughter said...

Oh so cool and realistic looking! The broken "fingernails" make me want to grit my teeth cause they look so real! ~ Barbara

A Mother and A Daughter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lady Behind The Curtain said...

Those are the creepest fingers I've EVER seen! Would you come over to CAST PARTY WEDNESDAY and share this with us?
I hope to see you there!

LBP said...

Those are so awesome. I love the cocoa powder trick, that really makes them more realistic!



Unknown said...

ok these looks so real! best I have seen on the internet that is for sure.

Unknown said...

These are so fantastic! x

Alissa@CraftyEndeavor said...

Ahhhh, creepy!
They look so real!!

Unknown said...

Oh My Gosh! Those look soooo REAL! I saw you on Sweets on Sunday. Please share on Thursday's Treasures.<3 and HUgs!

Kei said...

WOW those look so realistic! They're awesome--definitely something I want on my Halloween table! :D

Herman Grans ♥ said...

So cool! Love them :)

beti said...

hahaha they are really cool and creepy at the same time!

Katie said...

Umm, this is awesome! These look so real! It's gross, but they look delicious! I'll have to try these!!

Susan said...

Your cookies look very REAL!

Kaiserskitchen said...

What is your sugar cookie recipe? I want these to turn out just like yours :)

Kaiserskitchen said...

What is your sugar cookie recipe? I want these to turn out just like yours :)

Jen Brown said...

How do you do the knuckles? With a toothpick? And do you brush on the cocoa powder when you get them out of the oven? How do you do the almond part? This is so awesome! Thanks for posting!

Victoria said...

I've seen a lot of versions of these on All Recipes but, I must say, yours are the most realistic I've ever seen!!! I don't know if I could bring myself to eat one, they look so authentic!

TidyMom said...

oh wow are these creepy!!! what a great job!!

Thanks so much for linking up! I featured your post in my wrap up

Have a great rest if of the weekend!

icakepops said...

Those are some wicked cookies! Great job with your creativity.

Julie said...

Yours look amazing. How did you dust the cocoa powder?. My cocoa looked awful.

Munchkin Momma said...

Trying these now (crossing fingers) they look awesome my friends said eww my kids yelled YES PLEASE MOMMY!!! Love my kids!

Unknown said...

It doesn't say this in recipe, but do you score them for lines on knuckles and do you shape the knuckles a little before baking?

Unknown said...

It doesn't say this in recipe, but do you score them for lines on knuckles and do you shape the knuckles a little before baking?

Dee said...

I really want to do this, but we not allowed to bring nuts to school because of allergies. Any recommendation on replacement finger nails?

Unknown said...

They look amazing! Would cinnamon also look good in the knuckles? I'm looking for a cinnamon lover's cookie.

Clint and Sheri said...

I tried these with store bought dough. They went COMPLETELY flat. I was so sad. I'm afraid if I add more flour, they wont taste as good?

Trish - Mom On Timeout said...

I have made these cookies before and they don't hold a candle to yours! AH-MAZING! Featuring this week, pinning, loving, etc! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout! Hope to see you back this week! - Trish

thelady8home said...

OMG!!! This is the CREEPIEST food I have ever seen. They look so authentic that even thinking of taking a bite is making me feel sick.
What is your sugar cookie recipe? I would to love to bake these for the block party we have.

Mary Neumann said...

I saw your totally gross, creepy and awesome cookies at the Mom on Timeout Link Party...these are so awesome! Pinned! Thanks for the great Halloween cookie share!

Unknown said...

I used store bought cookie dough today, knowing I had to add flour, I ended up adding 3/4-1 C. of flour and they turned out perfect. MAde them extra thin and then made boney knuckles. I also used whole almonds that I cust in half. Very happy with the results! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I made these today using your dough recipe and they turned out perfectly! Thanks!

trina lyn said...

"I used store bought cookie dough today, knowing I had to add flour, I ended up adding 3/4-1 C. of flour and they turned out perfect."

I just wanted to say that I went by this measurement and my batch came out amazing. One roll of cookie dough and 3/4 cup of flour is the perfect ratio.

Also the difference between cinnamon and cocoa powder. I tried both.. the cinnamon just didn't dust on right, it was all grainy and blotchy compared to the cocoa powder which applied amazingly smooth, almost like an airbrush effect.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. I used it to great effect this Halloween (picture). I also added in slightly more than 3/4 of a cup of flour into store-bought dough, and it came out great.

One tip I wanted to share: Wait until the cookies have cooled quite a bit before you brush them with cocoa powder. If you do it too early, it kind of clumps instead.

Also, my "fingernails" came off pretty easily if you bumped the jar they were in. I ended up making a thick paste of some powdered sugar and water, and used a tiny drop to "glue" the fingernails back on for a few of them. Worked great.

Unknown said...

What is the sugar cookie recipe for this so I can make some this year.

Unknown said...

Where is the actual recipe? Am I missing it? Thank you

Unknown said...

Just made these myself using your sugar cookie recipe you give the link for at the top of the page. They turned out spectacular. I did have to cook them longer than the suggested time but otherwise one of the best ideas/recipes ever. Thank you VERY much!

Unknown said...

I've been through three rolls, adjusting the flour temp and cookware and they keep coming out flat. I am no longer impressed with this recipe as it is made out to be simple, but is a pain in the butt

Unknown said...

Just made them right now with the tip of adding more flour. They turned deliciously creepy! Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

Turned out great! Lots of grossed out people. I added red food coloring to the ends for a bloody look and painted red "nail polish" for some (used a little paint brush for the cinnamon and food coloring.

Unknown said...

Last year I made mine light green. then dipped the ends into cherry preserves.

Unknown said...

Seriously these are the best I've ever seen.

Unknown said...

I just made these, they turned out really good! I'm so excited to see what everybody thinks tomorrow! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Awesome recipe and directions! Made these for the first time this year using store bought dough and added ~3/4 cup of extra flour to keep them from spreading. Dough was a little dry but had to do it to keep them from flattening out. Worked perfect! Also added some "blood" to the nub end by melting some cake frosting with red food coloring to the desired color, dipped them and let the frosting drip down toward the nail to get that blood drip effect then let them cool til it was time to eat. They were a big hit!!!

HechoConMami said...

Thank you so much for sharing how you made these fingers!
My 6 year old daughter and I made some for school to hand out to her classmates and teachers following your instructions. Both children and teachers loved it: you helped us liven-up a very dull town in France. Your biscuits will be remebered as "des petits doigts de sorcière". Thank you very very much it really was tremendous fun.

Kind regards from Bretagne, France

Xii said...

Um.. where are people finding this recipe? The link goes to a totally different recipe. I've searched the blog and there is nothing.

The Haas Family said...

I think I made mine too big, they took forever to cook and flattened out. I even added the flour as mentioned in others messages. Bummers!